The frisch-saftig-steirisch Apple Marketers

The OPST Obst Partner Steiermark GmbH marketing companies are active in Austria and abroad. They take the freshly harvested goods and store them, sort them, pack them and finally transport them to individual grocery chains. Abroad they are represented by the company EVA, Exportvereinigung Apfel Handels GmbH.
The apple’s journey from tree to consumer follows along modern sorting routes. The apples pass through water channels to the electronic sorting machines where they are separated according to size, colour and quality.

Optimal storage in the packing houses guarantees that the quality of the goods is continuously ensured. Carefully separated according to variety and sales period, the apples are stored in specially air conditioned rooms between +1°C and 3°C. In the modern ULO (ultra low oxygen) storages, the natural oxygen content of the air is reduced. As a result, the apples breathe more slowly and the ripening process is stopped naturally. Thanks to this modern storage technique the distinctive aroma and the full flavour of the fruits can be preserved all year round.
The Styrian apples are delivered to the shops well packed. Whether in cardboard boxes, carrier bags, trays, sales boxes or crates: the sky’s the limit for the wishes of our customers in terms of packaging.
Here you can find all our marketing companies:
![]() 8181 St. Ruprecht/Raab Wollsdorf 71 | |
![]() 8182 Puch bei Weiz Harl 74 | |
![]() 8345 Straden Wieden 35 | |
![]() 8181 St. Ruprecht/Raab Feldgasse 259 | |
Ludwig-Binder-Straße 1 8200 Gleisdorf |